
Don't try to change the culture. Create the culture.

The Lou Perez Podcast with Sean Malone

My boy Sean Malone (Return on Ideas) stops by to discuss our affection for Florida, David Lynch (who should have been from Florida), and Rick Beato.

We take time to goof on the European Union.

How did these people conquer the world?

We mock the greatest living communist, Richard Wolff, who our boy Gene Epstein demolished at their Soho Forum debate.

Forget the 100 million dead, this bit on the PlayStation 5 is the strongest argument against communism.

And Sean and I remember our collaboration on FEE’s animated series, Common Sense Soapbox.

I embrace A.I. for four minutes.

We’re on day 20 of my 50 BURPEES A DAY FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! The plan was to rock XX-XY Athletics, as I WORK OUT, SPEAK OUT!, pushing-up and jumping ever closer to 43 years old. But unfortunately I got injured on Monday. So when I’m eventually healthy (I hope) I’m going to have a backlog of burpees to perform.

You can get 20% off your purchase of the perfect burpee gear with promo code LOU20.

I have created a culture of Louvers.